FAQ About Singing Lessons and Vocal Coaching

Frequently Asked Questions about Singing Lessons and Vocal Coaching at Heartsong Normandie

What types of singing lessons do you offer?

At Heartsong Normandie, we offer individual and group singing lessons, vocal coaching, group singing workshops and choirs tailored to different skill levels and genres. We also offer residential singing retreat holidays and personalised non-residential retreat options.  

Can anyone learn to sing? 

Yes, absolutely! At Heartsong Normandie, we firmly believe that singing is a skill that can be developed with practice, dedication, and proper guidance. Whether you're a complete beginner or have been singing for years, we can help you improve your technique, expand your vocal range, and build confidence in your singing abilities. With personalized instruction and a supportive learning environment, we welcome all individuals who are eager to explore their voice and unleash their musical potential.

I'm scared of singing in front of others. Can you help?

Absolutely! It's entirely normal to feel nervous about singing in public or in front of an audience (however small), especially if you're just starting out or have had negative or traumatising experiences in the past. At Heartsong Normandie, we understand these fears and are here to support you every step of the way. We create a safe and encouraging environment where you can build confidence at your own pace. Through personalized instruction, positive reinforcement, and gentle guidance, we'll help you overcome your fears and discover the joy of expressing yourself through singing. Whether you're a complete beginner or someone looking to improve your skills, we're here to help you unlock your full potential and experience the joy and many benefits of singing.  

Can you help me to sing if I’m tone-deaf?

Yes, we can help you!  Some individuals may have difficulty perceiving pitch accurately, a condition often referred to as "tone deafness" or congenital amusia. While this condition can present challenges in singing or recognizing melodies, it's essential to understand that it's relatively rare, affecting only about 4% of the population. If you believe you may have difficulty with pitch perception, we can work with you to develop strategies to improve your musical abilities and gain confidence in your singing. At Heartsong Normandie, we believe that everyone has the potential to improve their singing abilities and find their voice. With patience and practice, you can develop your musical ear and gain confidence in your singing abilities.

Where are you located for singing lessons and vocal coaching?

Our studio is based in 50140 Mortain, in the Manche department of Normandie, where we offer individual and group singing lessons, vocal coaching, group singing workshops and choirs to students in the surrounding areas. 

How can I effectively practice singing at home?

If you want to enhance and develop your voice, practising singing at home can be beneficial. Here are some tips to help you practice effectively:

We are always here to provide guidance and feedback to help you make the most of your practice sessions. If you have any specific questions or need additional exercises, don’t hesitate to get in touch!

Do you offer singing lessons and group singing workshops at any other locations? 

Although we are based in Mortain we also run group singing workshops throughout Normandie and beyond. You can check out news page for current events and contact us for further details. We also offer a mobile service for private group singing workshops and retreat bookings. If you are interested in setting up a one-off or a more regular singing workshop or choir in your area/venue please get in touch. We cover a wide geographical area subject to our availability and run singing workshops and retreats across Normandie, Brittany, Pays de la Loire, Mayenne and beyond.  

Do I need any prior experience to take singing lessons?

No prior experience is necessary. Heartsong Normandie welcomes students of all skill levels, from complete beginners to advanced and professional singers. 

What are your rates for singing lessons and vocal coaching?

Our rates for singing lessons and vocal coaching vary depending on the type and duration of the lesson. Please visit our Booking Information page for more details. 

Do you have discounts available for singing lessons?

We offer discounts for block bookings of individual singing lessons and vocal coaching sessions. Buy a course of 4 lessons and get the 5th free.  

How do I book a singing lesson or vocal coaching workshop?

You can book a singing lesson or vocal coaching workshop by contacting us directly via email 

Do you offer online singing lessons?

Yes, we offer online singing lessons and vocal coaching, allowing you to learn from the comfort of your own home at a time that suits you.  

Can I attend a group singing workshop or choir without taking regular lessons?

Yes, our group singing workshops and choirs are open to everyone, regardless of whether you are taking regular private lessons with us.

What genres of music do you teach in your singing lessons?

We teach a variety of genres including pop, rock, folk, jazz, musical theatre, and more. Our singing lessons are tailored to fit your musical interests and goals.

How long are the singing lessons?

Individual singing lessons are typically 60 minutes for adults and 40 minutes for children. Our group singing workshops and choirs can range from a few hours to a half day session, depending on the content and structure.

What age groups do you teach in your singing lessons?

We offer singing lessons and vocal coaching for all age groups, from children to adults. Our teaching methods are adapted to suit the age and skill level of each student.

Can I schedule a trial singing lesson?

Yes, Heartsong Normandie offers one-off/trial singing lessons so you can experience our teaching style and decide if it’s the right fit for you before committing to a course of lessons.

What if I need to cancel or reschedule a singing lesson?

We understand that schedules can change. Please take a look at our cancellation policy on our website for details on how to cancel or reschedule a singing lesson.

How often should I take singing lessons?

The frequency of singing lessons depends on your personal goals and schedule. Many students find that weekly or fortnightly lessons provide the best balance of progress and practice time.

Do you prepare singing students for auditions and performances?

Yes, we offer specialized vocal coaching to help you prepare for auditions, performances, and competitions, focusing on both vocal technique and stage presence.

Do you have any testimonials from previous singing students?

Yes, we're proud to share testimonials from some of our satisfied students! Our testimonials and guest reviews provide insight into the experiences of others who have sung with us, giving you a glimpse into what you can expect from our singing lessons, workshops and retreats. Feel free to check out our Testimonials and Guest Review page to hear from students who have benefited from singing with us.